Netflix’s next interactive show is an experience of mindfulness of headspace

On June 15, Netflix’s increasing interactive performing catalog will include an experience of meditation application headspace space. If you already use the platform, you will have a good idea of ​​what to expect. Once you decide if you want to meditate, relax or fall asleep, the soothing voice of the co-founder of the Andy Puddicombe headspace will guide you through a breathing exercise that will change according to the way you feel That day. It’s not so much that you choose your own adventure of how bandersnatch was, it’s more something you can come back frequently – although it seems like you do not have access to the same exercise width which are available for subscribers away from capital.

Relax your mind is the final of three Netflix shows ordered from headspace for 2021. The first guide in the mediation head space is released at the beginning of the year. The series saw Pudicombe highlights the different benefits of meditation on eight episodes of 20 minutes. A mediation experience may seem like a usual choice for an interactive show, but it is precisely the type of netflix variety promised when he said he would double the format according to the success of Bandersnatch.

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