One of the many efforts of Google to accelerate the Internet is now available for all. The CNET reports that the Internet Engineering Working Group released Google’s Quic’s Internet standard as an official Internet standard, indicating that faster data transmission technology is well established enough to be used at large level.
The technology is effectively replacing the TCP protocol (transmission control protocol), which manages how data is placed in addressed packets, routed and returned to usable information. Quic uses the faster UDP (user datagram protocol) while providing faster recovery. It also provides faster encrypted connections and better management of network switches. Your visits to secure websites, audiovisual discussions and mobile navigation should see some of the most important improvements in other words.
It has long been coming. Google first introduced Quic as Experimental Chrome Adjoint in June 2013 and quickly made the main approach to transport application data such as Chrome and Google Servers. The company submitted to the IETF for standard review in 2016.
Whether or not it is generalized adoption is another case. Although it is now a standard, everyone can use, there may be no precipitation for Ditch TCP, since it was available since 1974. You could see that what are progressively propagating between companies and Services that can benefit from the additional speed, but a big transition could not happen long if at all.