Gmail can now save photo attachments directly to Google Photos

There are many ways to share photos these days and most use social media for this purpose. Of course, these are mainly public by default and more difficult to control, and some use to simply share links to their online online photo storage. Nevertheless, others go from the old school and send photos by email. This can be a problem for recipients if they end up downloading images on Google Photos, but fortunately, Google has finally heard the cries of Gmail users or at least some of them.

Some could actually remember the old days when you could actually send these attachments to your Google’s Google photos. However, this was only possible through the way Google Drive and Google Photos shared the storage space once. While Gmail always integrates with a reader, users had to make a roundabout path and download the images before downloading them on Google Photos.

The good news is that they no longer have to do it. With a new update that happens on the server side, Gmail users can fly over these attachments or clicking the overflow menu to select “Save on Photos”. This will instantly send these photos to the photos of Google stock of the user’s Gmail account.

The bad news is that there are a lot of warnings. The most important thing is that it is currently available only for JPEG images. It also seems applied only to Gmail on the web, but these limitations will probably be removed over time.

This new capacity is open to Google Workspace and G series and those with personal Google accounts, but it will take about 15 days before becoming the most visible. Curiously, this feature to easily add more photos to your Google Photos photo storage is at a time when Google also kills an unlimited free stock photos Google photos.

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