The Do’s and Don’ts of Business Card Design

Business cards are the end-all and be-all of the print marketing world.

Even with the rise of smartphones, handing someone your card remains the quickest and easiest way to make a solid first impression and give a potential client all of your information. So, it makes sense having a business card with a good design is critical to your success.

Think your business cards may need a redesign but aren’t sure where to start? We’re here to help! Here are a few quintessential dos and don’ts of business card design.

Do: Keep It Simple

One of the most critical business card design tips has to do directly with their size.

Business cards are not flyers or billboards — they’re generally small enough to fit inside someone’s wallet. So, you don’t have a lot of viable real estate for a lot of extra information.

When designing your business card, try to keep it as simple as possible and only include the most critical information a potential customer or client will need to get in touch with you.

Filling your business card up with unnecessary text and graphics will only make it difficult to read, which could wind up costing you customers in the long run.

Don’t: Make It Cryptic

One of the easiest design mistakes you can make when designing a simple and stylish business card is not including enough information. Handing somebody a business card that only has your logo on it may come as sketchy or even threatening and leave potential clients, customers, and partners confused.

While a clean and simplistic design may look stylish on paper, you must make sure your business cards include all of the information your customers may need to get in touch with you — like your company’s name.

Do: Research Competitors

If you’re new to the world of graphic design, one of the easiest ways to get ideas on how to design an effective and professional-looking business card is by taking a look at what everyone else is doing.

Going over your competitors’ business card designs will give you a better idea of what you should and should not include in your final design.

Don’t: Rip Off Ideas!

While looking at your competitors’ business cards can be a great place to start, ripping off their designs for your business cards will only serve to make your business look unimaginative — at best. So, while it’s a good idea to pull a few layout ideas, try to avoid copying their design.

Do: Include Your Branding

Finally, branding is the mightiest business advertising tool in your arsenal, and your business cards are an excellent opportunity to boost your brand.

So, when it comes time to create a business card, make sure you include plenty of the brand elements you already have in place, like your logo, color scheme, and fonts.

  Making the Most of Your Most Important Print Marketing

Now that you know a bit more about the dos and don’ts of business cards, it’s time to get designing!

Are you interested in learning a bit more about print marketing? We’ve got you covered. Check out the rest of our blog for more helpful articles and advice today!

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